I. Keystone

I. a) Using their prebuilt toolchain (gcc-7.2)

Note: because their prebuilt toolchain is RV64GC, so for the RV64IMAC build please follow the guide in I. b) Using our local toolchain.

Git clone:

$ git clone -b dev https://github.com/keystone-enclave/keystone.git keystone-rv64gc
  #commit e448fa32 on 19-Oct-2020
$ cd keystone-rv64gc/

Check PATH:

$ echo ${PATH}    #and MAKE SURE that NO ANY TOOLCHAIN is on the PATH
$ export KEYSTONE_DIR=`pwd`

Download prebuilt toolchain:

$ ./fast-setup.sh   #this will download the prebuilt toolchain (gcc-7.2) and set things up
$ . source.sh       #update PATH

Update sdk examples:

$ cd sdk/
$ sed -i 's/size_t[ ]*freemem_size[ ]*=[ ]*48/size_t freemem_size = 2/g' examples/tests/test-runner.cpp
  #this line is for FPGA board, because usually there is only 1GB of memory on the board
$ cd build/
$ make examples
$ cd ../../   #back outside

Create build folder then make:

$ mkdir build
$ cd build/
$ cmake ..
$ make -j`nproc`
$ make run-tests    #after this, a bbl.bin file is generated

I. b) Using our local toolchain (gcc-8.3 in this example)

Git clone:

If build for RV64GC:
$ git clone -b local-tc-cmake https://github.com/thuchoang90/keystone.git keystone-rv64gc-local
$ cd keystone-rv64gc-local/

If build for RV64IMAC:
$ git clone -b local-tc-cmake https://github.com/thuchoang90/keystone.git keystone-rv64imac
$ cd keystone-rv64imac/

Check PATH:

$ echo ${PATH}    #check if our toolchain is on the PATH or not

If not then export it to PATH.
If build for RV64GC:      $ export RISCV=/opt/GCC8/riscv64gc      #point to RV64GC toolchain
If build for RV64IMAC:    $ export RISCV=/opt/GCC8/riscv64imac    #point to RV64IMAC toolchain

$ export PATH=$RISCV/bin/:$PATH
$ export KEYSTONE_DIR=`pwd`

Update submodule:

$ ./fast-setup.sh   #this time, it won't download the prebuilt toolchain, just update the submodule

Do the following if build for RV64IMAC, skip if build for RV64GC:

$ ./patches/imac-patch.sh

Update sdk example:

$ cd sdk/
$ sed -i 's/size_t[ ]*freemem_size[ ]*=[ ]*48/size_t freemem_size = 2/g' examples/tests/test-runner.cpp
  #this line is for FPGA board, because usually there is only 1GB of memory on the board
$ cd build/
$ export KEYSTONE_SDK_DIR=`pwd`
$ make examples
$ cd ../../   #back outside

Create build folder then make:

$ mkdir build
$ cd build/
$ cmake ..
$ make -j`nproc`
$ make run-tests    #after this, a bbl.bin file is generated

II. Keystone-demo

Check PATH:

  • Pair with the prebuilt-toolchain of Keystone: (Note: prebuilt-toolchain is RV64GC, so if you want to build for RV64IMAC please follow the local-built-toolchain)
$ echo ${PATH}          #and MAKE SURE that NO ANY TOOLCHAIN is on the PATH
$ cd keystone-rv64gc/   #go to your keystone folder
$ . source.sh
$ export KEYSTONE_DIR=`pwd`
$ export KEYSTONE_BUILD_DIR=`pwd`/build   #point to the build folder
  • Pair with the local-built-toolchain of Keystone:
#go to your keystone folder
    $ cd keystone-rv64gc-local/
Or: $ cd keystone-rv64imac/

$ echo ${PATH}    #check if our toolchain is on the PATH or not

If not then export it to PATH
If build for RV64GC:      $ export RISCV=/opt/GCC8/riscv64gc      #point to RV64GC toolchain
If build for RV64IMAC:    $ export RISCV=/opt/GCC8/riscv64imac    #point to RV64IMAC toolchain

$ export PATH=$RISCV/bin/:$PATH
$ export KEYSTONE_DIR=`pwd`
$ export KEYSTONE_SDK_DIR=`pwd`/sdk/build
$ export KEYSTONE_BUILD_DIR=`pwd`/build   #point to the build folder

Git clone:

$ cd ../    #go back outside
$ git clone -b cmake https://github.com/thuchoang90/keystone-demo.git keystone-demo-rv64


$ cd keystone-demo-rv64/
$ . source.sh
$ ./quick-start.sh    #type Y when asked
$ . copybins.sh       #copy binaries to keystone overlay

Update keystone-demo to keystone build folder:

$ cd ${KEYSTONE_BUILD_DIR}    #now go back to the keystone folder
$ make image                  #and update the bbl.bin there

Note: there is kind of a bug with script/run-qemu.sh, so do this to make sure that the script/run-qemu.sh will run smoother later:

$ <open a new terminal>
$ cd <to the keystone build folder>
$ ./script/run-qemu.sh

Log in by the id of root and the password of sifive. Then exit qemu by poweroff. If it got stuck with Power off then just close the terminal.

To update the new hash value to the keystone-demo/ folder, do the followings:

#Now go back with the original terminal ealier
$ cd ../../keystone-demo-rv64/              #first, cd back to the keystone-demo directory
$ ./scripts/get_attestation.sh ./include    #if it stuck at "Power off", just Ctrl+C
$ rm build/trusted_client.riscv
$ make -C build/ trusted_client.riscv
$ . copybins.sh
  #after this step, the app is updated with the correct hash value and coppied to the keystone directory

$ cd ${KEYSTONE_BUILD_DIR}    #now go back to the keystone folder
$ make image                  #and update the bbl.bin there

Note: sometimes ./scripts/get_attestation.sh ./include encountered a problem like this:

spawn ./scripts/run-qemu.sh
**** Running QEMU SSH on port 3000 ****
qemu-system-riscv64: Could not set up host forwarding rule 'tcp::3000-:22'
expect: spawn id exp4 not open
    while executing
"expect "*?assword" { send "sifive\r" }"
Could not extract the SM_HASH!

Then just change the SSH port in ${KEYSTONE_BUILD_DIR}/scripts/get_attestation.sh from:

HOST_PORT=${HOST_PORT:="$((3000 + RANDOM % 3000))"};

To any fix number like this for example:


III. Run Test on QEMU

$ cd <keystone folder>                #go to your keystone folder
$ cd build/                           #go to build folder
$ ./scripts/run-qemu.sh
  #Login by the id of 'root' and the password of 'sifive'

$ insmod keystone-driver.ko           #install driver

To do the initial test:
$ time ./tests.ke                     #ok if 'Attestation report SIGNATURE is valid' is printed

To do the keystone-demo test:
$ cd keystone-demo/                   #go to the keystone-demo test
$ ./demo-server.riscv &               #run host in localhost
$ ./trusted_client.riscv localhost    #connect to localhost and test

It is okay if the Attestation signature and enclave hash are valid is printed. Exit the security monitor by: $ q. And exit the QEMU by: $ poweroff.

Note: sometimes ./scripts/run-qemu.sh encountered a problem like this:

**** Running QEMU SSH on port 5291 ****
overriding secure boot ROM (file: /home/ubuntu/Projects/Keystone/CMake/keystone-rv64gc-local/build/bootrom.build/bootrom.bin)
boot ROM size: 54061
fdt dumped at 58157
qemu-system-riscv64: -device virtio-blk-device,drive=hd0: Failed to get "write" lock
Is another process using the image [/home/ubuntu/Projects/Keystone/CMake/keystone-rv64gc-local/build/buildroot.build/images/rootfs.ext2]?

Then just remake the image and rerun again:

$ make image -j`nproc`
$ ./scripts/run-qemu.sh