I. Keystone

Note: because their prebuilt toolchain is RV64GC, so for the RV32GC or RV32IMAC build we’ll using our local-toolchain only.

Git clone:

If build for RV32GC:
$ git clone -b dev-rv32 https://github.com/thuchoang90/keystone.git keystone-rv32gc
$ cd keystone-rv32gc/

If build for RV32IMAC:
$ git clone -b dev-rv32 https://github.com/thuchoang90/keystone.git keystone-rv32imac
$ cd keystone-rv32imac/

Check PATH:

$ echo ${PATH}    #check if our toolchain is on the PATH or not

If not then export it to PATH:
If build for RV32GC:      $ export RISCV=/opt/GCC8/riscv32gc
If build for RV32IMAC:    $ export RISCV=/opt/GCC8/riscv32imac

$ export PATH=$RISCV/bin:$PATH
$ export KEYSTONE_DIR=`pwd`
$ export KEYSTONE_SDK_DIR=`pwd`/sdk

Update submodule:

$ ./fast-setup.sh

Do the following if build for RV32IMAC, skip if build for RV32GC:

$ patch -p1 < patches/rv32imac.patch

Finally, make:

$ make -j`nproc`

$ make -C sdk   #make sdk
$ export EYRIE_DIR=`pwd`/sdk/rts/eyrie
$ ./sdk/scripts/init.sh --runtime eyrie --force

Build the keystone-test:

$ sed -i 's/size_t\sfreemem_size\s=\s48\*1024\*1024/size_t freemem_size = 2*1024*1024/g' ./sdk/examples/tests/test-runner.cpp
  #this line is for FPGA board, because usually there is only 1GB of memory on the board
$ ./sdk/examples/tests/vault.sh
$ make -j`nproc`    #after this, a bbl.bin file is generated in hifive-work/bbl.bin

II. Keystone-demo

Check PATH:

#go to your keystone folder
      $ cd keystone-rv32gc/
Or:   $ cd keystone-rv32imac/

$ echo ${PATH}    #check if our toolchain is on the PATH or not

If not then export it to PATH:
If build for RV32GC:      $ export RISCV=/opt/GCC8/riscv32gc      #point to RV32GC toolchain
If build for RV32IMAC:    $ export RISCV=/opt/GCC8/riscv32imac    #point to RV32IMAC toolchain

$ export PATH=$RISCV/bin:$PATH
$ export KEYSTONE_DIR=`pwd`
$ export KEYSTONE_SDK_DIR=`pwd`/sdk

Git clone:

$ cd ../    #go back outside
$ git clone -b dev-rv32 https://github.com/thuchoang90/keystone-demo.git keystone-demo-rv32


$ cd keystone-demo-rv32/
$ . source.sh
$ ./quick-start.sh    #type Y when asked
  #after this step, a new app is generated and coppied to the keystone directory

Update keystone-demo to the keystone/ folder:

$ cd ${KEYSTONE_DIR}    #now go back to the keystone folder
$ make -j`nproc`        #and update the bbl.bin there

However, it will be a false attestation. To update the new hash value, do the followings:

$ cd ../keystone-demo-rv32/   #first, cd back to the keystone-demo directory
$ make getandsethash
$ rm trusted_client.riscv
$ make trusted_client.riscv
$ make copybins
  #after this step, the app is updated with the correct hash value and coppied to the keystone directory

$ cd ${KEYSTONE_DIR}    #now go back to the keystone folder
$ make -j`nproc`        #and update the bbl.bin there

III. Run Test on QEMU

$ cd <keystone folder>        #go to your keystone folder
$ ./scripts/run-qemu.sh       #login by the id of 'root' and the password of 'sifive'
$ insmod keystone-driver.ko   #install driver

To do the initial test:

$ time ./tests/tests.ke

It is okay if the Attestation report SIGNATURE is valid is printed

To do the keystone-demo test:

$ cd keystone-demo/                   #go to the keystone-demo test
$ ./enclave-host.riscv &              #run host in localhost
$ ./trusted_client.riscv localhost    #connect to localhost and test

It is okay if the Attestation signature and enclave hash are valid is printed. Exit the security monitor by: $ q. And exit the QEMU by: $ poweroff.